Assalamualaikum my lovely frens....
how's ur weekend..x g memane ker??
im too busy to keep updating my blog every week..
alang2 dh ade mase nie..update la terus kan..
b4 i start my new entry..nk gtau ak kt kl skang nie..keje..hehehe
keje kindergarden teacher..ok lah kan..sementara nk dpt keje lbih baik..
doakan lah dimurahkan rezeki..
but being a kindergarden teacher is much more challenging tau..
kene byk2 sgt bersabar..yela..they all semua kids..byk bende xtau..
so we as their first teacher la yg kene btol2 guide dorg at school..
but it doesn't mean parents bley lepas tgn..both sides play roles okie..
yg tue nnt cite pepanjang in new entry..

last time aku ade bgtau nk wat entry pre-konvo kn...
ok kteorg g shooting kt botanical garden penang b4 our real day of convocation..
kteorg g sebuah kete..nek unser..dlm 7 org cmtue gak la..
yg pegi tue sume kwn 1 course n 1 lab mse final year project..
we have fun there..eventhough it was raining but we enjoy every pose..hahaha..
ape yg buat ak xboleh lupa pasal pre-konvo nie..
mase kami ngah nk paki jubah nk mek gamba tetibe..dtg sekumpulan monkey..
mule2 monkey nie usha jek kami dr jauh..tetibe die dtg serang..kteorg pe lg kelam kabut lari ngan jubah konvo..
ade tue yg tertinggal payung la..beg la..hook jubah la..mcm2..
ape daa monkey nie..wat spoil..mslahnyer smpai nk balik pun monkey tue cari lg..
last2 kami semua cabut jubah..smpan dlm beg..mybe die teringin nk pkai jubah tue kot..kih2..
thats all..enjoy the pics!!! xsemua pic ak upload sbb M.A.L.A.S...
end of story..sedih tau!! ade antara kami nie yg smbung master..ramai gak la..gud luck untuk semua!!
rindu giler life campus..serius nk nangis nie..k la..tata..:(
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